Green Tea Benefits Weight Loss

  Tea plant is a plant Dendritic Muammar .. The rising up his tree to 10 meters and the user is small leaves of evergreen, which combines three times in a year and a paper tea up to 30 cm in length and whenever paper was a small increased quality, and I said fibers and the home of the tea plant is currently China and India Ceylon and Kenya .
  Most of us know the benefits of tea, especially green tea and black, and still experts argue, and remember that there are several reasons should make us more inclined to enjoy drinking more than one cup of tea per day, besides its flavor and smell fragrant there are health reasons should make us more inclined to drink tea .
Also, experts argue that there is no significant difference between green tea and black, because all types contain the same ratio of (flavonoids), green tea and black Istkhalassan from the same plant, the only difference lies in the fact that green tea is dried for less is not subject to the process of fermentation that subject her black tea.
   The green tea drink healthy first-class and this kind of Chinese teas discovered before about five thousand years, since the old known for his numerous benefits for the health of the body.
And green tea especially favored by Asians, and is made from leaves that have been vaporized and then dried without undergoing the process of fermentation. And is characterized by being an herbal taste fresh and more than black tea .
  The black tea is preferred in the Arab States, Britain, Europe, and the United States
Fauna by drying the leaves and then leave so that ferments .

Benefits of Green Tea

1. Prevention of arthritis 

Scientists say that green tea helps to prevent arthritis or rheumatism also known widely, say researchers from the University of (Sheffield), the British said they found two components in green tea have the ability to prevent some types of arthritis by isolating a type of enzymes that damaged joints.
According to Dr. (David Bootle) from the University of Sheffield The laboratory tests demonstrated the perceived benefits of green tea in the prevention of arthritis, added Dr. bottle it may be too late for those who suffer from severe infection in the joints, but if it turned to drink green tea on a daily habit can make a man feel its benefits later.
A spokeswoman for the campaign to combat arthritis in Britain that this disclosure exciting and important, and people should give the green tea is full of the benefits and detriments of the Empty.

2 Reduces the risk of prostate cancer 

A study conducted by researchers that daily consumption of green tea reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Said Professor (Colin Baines) from Curtin University in Perth (Western Australia) newspaper (west Australian) The Chinese researchers compare the cases of 130 Chinese patients with prostate cancer with 274 others do not suffer from this disease
He added that the result showed that the risk of prostate cancer declined three times in men who drank tea per day compared with men who do not drink tea.
Baines explained that the study showed that the benefits of tea against cancer rises with higher amounts of consumption and duration, but even people who drink tea in small quantities also benefit.

3.Hay green protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays 

A study conducted by researchers at the Medical Sciences Department Dermatology, University (Case Western Rivers) in Cleveland, in the United States, that green tea may protect the skin from damage caused by destructive rays of the sun .
 The researchers explained that an excessive exposure to the sun damages the genetic material (DNA er) in the cells of the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer through the formation of the catalyst, which is known as
(Saaklopaōtan pyrimidine) and the production of free radicals that cause damage Taksudaia cumulatively, pointing out that the time between formation and oxidative damage is visible in the form of premature aging or skin cancer takes several years ….
The researchers said green tea contains compounds (polyphenols), and a material strong anti-oxidant protection provides optical and chemical weapons, so as to prevent the effect of harmful UV rays.

4. Helps to Weight Loss

Green tea helps to speed up metabolism because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively
Has discovered a new American study conducted on obese men that drinking green tea three times a day to burn 200 extra calories a day
Also found people who drink green tea energy that they have been greatly strengthened. Moreover, green tea lowers the level of sugar in the blood, which is responsible for the storage of glucose as fat.

5. protects the heart from disease 

Studies have shown that green tea reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood
Because the effects of antioxidant prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries, is the formation of blood clots is the main cause of the natural heart attacks and strokes …
As the American Medical Association published a study of 15-year-old says that men who ate four or five cups of tea a day Alokhzer cutting down the seriousness of diagnosed strokes by about 69% compared with those who ate less than three glasses .
Has shown that green tea prevent the formation of blood clots is natural and has the same effectiveness) aspirin) in this area .
As well as studies have shown that green tea increases the levels of beneficial cholesterol, which helps to remove plaque from the walls of the arteries.

6. Helps in lowering blood pressure 

The reason for high blood pressure to an enzyme secreted by the college and the working-lowering drugs pressure to prevent the secretion of the enzyme and, therefore, blood pressure can be reduced through the disruption of the work of the enzyme, while for green tea It is disabled by a natural enzyme Numerous studies have shown that blood pressure decreased in animals and humans after giving them Cosmetics of green tea .

7 Green Tea anti-infective 

Green tea anti-infective many types of infectious bacteria, especially species that cause diarrhea and intestinal colds, so the green tea helps to cure these cases.

8.Aelloukaah of skin cancer 

He said doctors in the United States that they have developed a cream for the prevention of skin cancer and the magical element in this type of creams is known for its properties of green tea anti-cancer. And help the natural antioxidants in green tea to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the skin ….

9 reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning 

Because the green tea kills bacteria, the drink with meals can reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning, as well as green tea prevents the growth of bacteria in the intestines and helps the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines …

10. green tea prevents Halitosis 

The green tea, which is a factor naturally anti-bacterial with meals can help to kill bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay and bad breath .
He also said a report released from the hospital (Yale – New Haven) that green tea resists gum disease and prevents the proliferation of bacteria that cause tooth decay.
It was clear from the research and studies that each cup of green tea contains 9 milligrams of fluoride, which requires him to adult body every day from 4 to 5 milligrams to provide the necessary protection to the teeth .
 To overcome the pain of internecine researchers believe that chewing a set of green tea leaves on the internecine painful enough to ease the pain if introduced early, before aggravate inflammation .

Green Tea Benefits Weight Loss

Green Tea Benefits Weight Loss

Weight Loss, Green Tea

from The better Things

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