Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Study


Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Study

 Texas-based Applied Food Science is asked by the Federal Trade Commission to pay $3.5 million to settle deceptive weight-loss claims criticism
Just because an organization touts a “clinical study” that it says proves its product works doesn’t mean you ought to believe it. particularly once it involves weight loss. build that particularly once it involves weight loss and inexperienced low extract.
On Monday, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) settled allegations with Texas-based Applied Food Service opposition that it used a “hopelessly flawed” study to push weight loss claims for its inexperienced low extract product. The study was additionally touted on The Dr. Oz Show.
(More on Oz and his miracle product here.) the corporate in agreement to pay $3.5 million and have a minimum of 2 adequate and well-controlled human clinical tests to support any future weight loss claims it makes.
    The Federal Trade Commission aforesaid in its criticism that the corporate paid researchers in Republic of India to conduct a test however that the trial’s lead investigator repeatedly altered weights and different key measurements of the themes, modified the trial length and misstated that subjects were taking placebos and that were taking the dietary supplement, inexperienced low inhibitor, that contained the inexperienced low extract. the corporate used the study to assert that the merchandise caused customers to lose seventeen pounds in twenty two weeks, and these results were recurrent by retailers promoting the product to customers.
“Applied Food Sciences knew or ought to have known  that this unskilled study didn’t prove something,’’ aforesaid Jessica made, the FTC’s director of the bureau of shopper protection. “In commercial enterprise the results it helped fuel the inexperienced low development.”

Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Study

Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Study

Weight Loss

from The better Things

10 Tips for a Healthy Low-carb Diet

    Whole-wheat foods area unit essential wholesome staples that keep America slim and glad, right? perhaps not. In fact, as new analysis emerges suggesting that a diet significant in “healthy whole grains” will result in weight gain and will not be thus healthy finally, a lot of and a lot of dieters area unit kicking those plates of pancakes and bowls of food to the curb.
  Low-carb diets area unit a tested thanks to assist you thin and keep healthy — however given that you follow alternative pointers for healthy ingestion in conjunction with limiting grains and starches (unfortunately, a diet consisting alone of burgers and cheese won’t do your body any favors).
Want to maximise your health within the fashionable age of factory-made industrial foods? Follow this wheat-free recommendation custom-made from the new book “Wheat Belly Total Health” by William Davis.

One :  Opt for uncured and unprocessed meats while not nitrite.

Processed meats like sausage, pepperoni, bacon and sausage typically contain the color-fixing chemical resolution referred to as radical. once poached, nitrite reacts with the amino acids in meat to yield nitrosamines that, in each animal experimental model, are joined to epithelial duct cancers and, in many human epidemiologic studies, are related to larger cancer incidence. explore for meats that area unit processed naturally and don’t contain nitrite.

Two :  low-carb tip: once it involves farm, continually opt for organic.

Many industrial dairies milk pregnant cows throughout physiological state, thus product made of this milk typically contain multiplied levels of steroid. To avoid this drawback moreover as exposure to bovine STH, opt for milk, sour cream, cheese, yoghourt and butter from organic producers that follow a a lot of restricted milking amount.

Three : low-carb tip- think about hard foods.

In the absence of fibrous grains, coconut or farm yoghourt, kefir, hard radishes, hard cucumbers and hard onions area unit a simple and delicious thanks to get healthy quantities of probiotic-like bacterium to learn gut health. hard foods are often eaten  as is, added  to salads or lordotic into humus or condiment.

Four : low-carb tip: Don’t limit salt.

Although the Institute of drugs stands by its recommendation to limit salt to no quite two,300 mg per day, that Davis argues that the common salt intake within the u.  s. of three,400 mg could be a absolutely fine level. In fact, for the overwhelming majority of individuals active a grain-free mode, light-weight to moderate use of mineral-rich types of salt like ocean salt is really healthier than severely limiting salt, significantly once that salt is combined with healthy, potassium-rich foods like vegetables, avocados or coconut.

However, there area unit serious issues related to unlimited salt use, thus don’t go crazy therewith salt shaker. In fact, salt intakes in or on top of the half-dozen,000 to 10,000 mg vary per day are often related to adverse vas effects. Also, a minority of individuals, like folks with nephropathy, do have sensitivities to salt and will not have interaction in unrestricted salt intake. If you’ve got such a condition, a atomic number 11 prescription ought to come back from your doctor.

Five : low-carb tip: Use safe sweeteners.

If you’re acquainted with the Wheat Belly diet or have scan the “Wheat Belly thirty Minute (Or Less!) reference work,” you recognize that it’s comparatively simple to form grain-free versions of cookies, muffins and alternative goodies exploitation the choice sweeteners that Davis deems safe for consumption — particularly liquid or fine-grained stevia, stevia with polyose (but not maltodextrin), monk fruit, erythritol and xylitol. a couple of folks could expertise a triggering of their appetence with these sweeteners, resulting in sugar cravings, however most dieters move with safe sugar substitutes.

Be sure to avoid fructose-filled sweeteners like grain-sourced high-fructose sirup, saccharose (50 % fructose) and American aloe nectar (90 % fructose). Some folks opt to use honey and syrup as a result of they’re natural sources of sugar, however each area unit high in laevulose and will be used slenderly since the sugar has been joined to fat and the next risk of metabolic and vas disorders.

Half-dozen low-carb tip: opt for organic vegetables and fruits.

If they’re offered and your budget permits, build organic your 1st opt for. this is often particularly vital once the outside of the food is consumed, like blueberries and broccoli, for instance. With bananas, avocados and alternative foods wherever the outside isn’t consumed, it’s not as vital, although pesticides and herbicides still will penetrate to the inside thus it can’t hurt to travel all organic. If you can not opt for organic, rinse your fruits and veggies totally in heat water to reduce residues of pesticides and herbicides like perchlorates, which might block thyroid operate.

Seven : low-carb tip: Minimize exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA).

This compound, found in polycarbonate plastics (clear arduous plastics with employment code #7) and also the rosin lining of cans, exerts endocrine unquiet effects that will cause symptom failure, diabetes, thyroid pathology and weight gain. Native Forest and Natural price area unit among the primary brands to declare that they use BPA-free cans, however because the contestation over BPA heats up, a lot of and a lot of makers area unit changing to BPA-free linings.

Eight : low-carb tip: Avoid soft drinks and effervescent beverages.

The acid effects of suffusion erode bone health as a result of acid is neutralised by extracting metal salts from bones. rather than sipping on a soda, drink water (with lemon, lime, cucumber, kiwi, mint leaves or orange), teas (black, inexperienced or white), infusions (teas brewed from alternative leaves, herbs, flowers and fruits), nonsweet almond milk, nonsweet coconut milk, milk, hemp milk and occasional instead.

Nine : low-carb tip: Avoid change fats.

Hydrogenated fats, or trans fats, that fill processed foods contribute to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and polygenic disorder. The worst culprit is margarin as a result of it’s created with vegetable oils change to yield a solid stick or tub kind. several processed foods, like cookies and sandwich spreads, contain change oils and will be avoided for his or her trans fat content moreover as their grains and sugars.

Ten :  low-carb tip: Minimize exposure to high-temperature change of state.

When change of state in temperatures that exceed 450 degrees Fahrenheit, reactions referred to as glycation or lipoxidation can occur between carbohydrates or proteins with the fats in foods. These contribute to high blood pressure, formation of cataracts, arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer. These reactions develop with deep cookery (but not sautéing), broiling, and the other variety of change of state that involves charring the food’s surface.

10 Tips for a Healthy Low-carb Diet

10 Tips for a Healthy Low-carb Diet

Healthy Foods, Weight Loss

from The better Things

Agave Recipes For Healthy Baking

Agave Recipes For Healthy Baking

  If you think you couldn’t look at another sugary baked good, think again. With agave recipes, you can eat your sweets without the sugar (and also keep your blood sugar levels from spiking). And that makes them a whole lot easier to swallow after the intense holiday baking season we just survived. (Most of us feel like we have white sugar running through our veins at this point.)

But just because we don’t want to see sugar for another week or four, that doesn’t mean we don’t want to be baking. That’s where agave nectar comes in. With agave recipes, you can make breakfast bars, cakes and chocolate spreads. And whatever you decide to bake, you can feel good about the fact that you’re skipping out on a little bit of sugar.

Agave Recipes For Healthy Baking
Agave Recipes For Healthy Baking

Agave Recipes For Healthy Baking

Recipe, weight loss recipe

from The better Things

Obesity research takes high-tech twist at Florida school

   Freshmen at Florida’s Lakewood highschool lined up against gold and black gymnasium mats on Fri to possess their height and weight measured, AN assessment to launch a unique study on fighting adolescent avoirdupois with stylish new technology.
Researchers attached with Johns Hopkins medication, whose network includes a Florida children’s hospital close to the college, decide to use results of the screening to pick out regarding fifty overweight students and track their activity levels victimisation the Fitbit, a connected wristband.
Wearable technology, expected to require off next year once Apple opposition introduces its health-oriented Apple Watch, has shown mixed promise in analysis. however medical literature has very little to mention regarding the effectiveness in adolescents, whose avoirdupois rates have quadrupled within the last thirty years, with nearly one in 5 currently being rotund, according the U.S. Centers for sickness management and interference.
“It’s cool. you’ll be able to wear it and it measures your activity,” said Dr. Raquel Hernandez, lead man of science ANd an prof of paediatrics at John Hopkins graduate school, World Health Organization works in any respect Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.
“It can also facilitate the coed apprehend what they extremely do,” she accessorial.

   Students can synch their wristbands to MyFitnessPal, AN app which will conjointly track their daily diet. Researchers ar victimisation Fitbit pursuit to look at sleep patterns likewise.
When a youngster’s activity level drops, researchers will send a telephone text or Twitter message, with period recommendations on a healthy excursion or snack.
Funded by a $100,000 grant from the philanthropic arm of underwriter Florida Blue, the school-based program eliminates the requirement to speak teenagers into trekking to the doctor’s workplace.
“We ar returning right to wherever they’re,” same program organiser Janelle Garcia, a health professional World Health Organization hopes to expand across the nation if self-made. “The goal is to check the feasibleness.”
The focus isn’t on weight loss, however teaching healthy habits at a vital age. rotund adolescents ar rather more possible to become rotund adults, and run the health risks of developing polygenic disease, cardiovascular disease and disorder.
Students can meet with nutrition counselors and fitness consultants doubly per week, likewise as attend outside sessions with a man of science targeted on behavioural modification.
Such substance is vital, same Corby Martin, AN prof at Pelican State State University’s Pennington medicine research facility. merely sporting a fitness wristband does not guarantee that adults can shed pounds, analysis has shown.
“The proliferation and convenience of those devices and apps does not essentially mean that it’s getting to miraculously assist you lose weight, increase your activity and be healthier. That takes lots of labor,” same Martin, a spokesperson for the avoirdupois Society, a scientific organization.
Teenagers and their oldsters is also reluctant to speak regarding weight issues, the Florida researchers acknowledge.
“We ar absolutely aware that this could create some families uncomfortable,” same Hernandez, World Health Organization hopes AN related to broad health initiative can destigmatize the subject.
On Fri morning, 14-year-old Sierra Mieczkowski saw very little draw back as she arrived for a height and weight check and slipped off her black sneakers, revealing mismatched socks.
The ninth-grader, World Health Organization doesn’t apprehend whether or not she is going to be chosen for the study, same she tries to eat well and takes frequent walks along with her father.
But with a wearable fitness huntsman, “I may see what quantity i am doing,” she said, adding “and acumen abundant I will improve.”

Obesity research takes high-tech twist at Florida school

Obesity research takes high-tech twist at Florida school

Obesity, Weight Loss

from The better Things

Is Stress Sabotaging Your Weight-Loss Efforts?

  Stress doesn’t show up just as wrinkles on your face — you may also be wearing it around your waist. High levels of stress and depression make it tough to lose weight and stick to the strategies you know will help you slim down, according to a new study in the journal Obesity, published Sept. 24.
The stress-fat connection isn’t a new one. In fact, most of us are all too familiar with the impulse to scarf half a dozen doughnuts after a rough day. In a 2013 American Psychological Association (APA) survey, 37 percent of people admitted that they’d overeaten or indulged in unhealthy foods in the past month due to stress. Nearly half of stress eaters said that these “slip-ups” occurred at least weekly.
The question is: How, exactly, do stress and depression affect our attempts to slim down? To find out, researchers from Harvard and SUNY Upstate Medical University tracked the stress and weight-loss progress of 257 overweight adults over a two-year period, during which the participants tried to lose at least 5 percent of their body weight.
Not surprisingly, stress emerged as a significant weight-loss saboteur. At the six-month mark, high-stress individuals had dropped only about 3 percent of their body weight, on average, compared with nearly 6 percent among low-stress participants. The weight loss gap had widened further by the end of the study: After two years, the stressed-out dieters had still lost only about 3 percent of their body weight, while the carefree folks had managed to exceed the goal, shedding an average of nearly 7 percent of their body weight.

Is Stress Sabotaging Your Weight-Loss Efforts

Related: 7 Ways to Beat Stress Fat

   The stress-prone people were also less likely to stick to the suggested weight-loss aids, such as keeping a diet-and-exercise log and participating in coaching sessions.
“The stress and weight loss connection is really twofold,” said Katie Rickel, a licensed clinical psychologist at Structure House, a residential weight loss facility in Durham, N.C. “There are some physiological reasons that stress makes it harder to lose weight — the [stress] hormone cortisol can sometimes increase the amount of fat you’re storing. But there’s also an indirect relationship: When you’re stressed, it’s harder to follow through on healthy behaviors.”
In the study, the researchers, who could not be reached for comment, pointed to the latter reason as a major factor in the stressed-out dieters’ poor progress. As they wrote, “Depression and stress may limit weight loss by negatively impacting behaviors that promote it.”
While it would be nice if we could all zap stress instantly, the fact is that most of us are facing chronic brain drain … and we can’t necessarily make it go away. In the APA survey, the most common sources of mental tension were money, work, and the economy — three stressors that are admittedly tough to eliminate overnight. (That may explain why only about a third of adults think they effectively manage their anxiety.)
Luckily, there are ways to slim down even when you’re mentally taxed:

Simplify your exercise plan

Overwhelmed at work? Now is not the time to take on a complicated, high-commitment exercise program, Rickel told Yahoo Health. Instead, just focus on being active, period — and in a way that you enjoy. “Do the kind of exercise you like, that’s not too complicated, and that doesn’t require a lot of thought,” she said. “That might mean going to a spin class or putting in one of your favorite DVDs.”
Is Stress Sabotaging Your Weight-Loss Efforts?

Is Stress Sabotaging Your Weight-Loss Efforts?

Weight Loss

from The better Things

3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes

 The secret to slashing calories, fat, and sodium in a dish while also infusing it with antioxidants, fiber, and protein? According to this new study in the Journal of Food Science, the answer is: mushrooms!
The study explored the properties of mushrooms in various dishes using the cooking technique called Blendability—where you replace meat with finely chopped mushrooms instead. The researchers discovered that subbing out 50 or 80 percent of the ground beef with ground mushrooms in a recipe enhanced flavor, ensured an extra serving of veggies, and improved the nutrient content of the dish. Mushrooms may even help in weight loss; they can make a recipe more filling, so you don’t get hungry and eat more later.
So how to practice Blendability? Take a look at these recipes from Chef Linton Hopkins, restaurateur and “Burger Time” originator, who uses the technique in his restaurants.

Roasted Mushroom Burger

8 oz. cremini mushrooms
2 oz. shiitake mushrooms
2 oz. oyster mushrooms
2 oz. olive oil
3 tsp. kosher salt, divided
8 oz. ground chuck
1 tbsp. vegetable oil

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Thinly slice all mushrooms; toss in olive oil and 1 teaspoon salt. Spread mushrooms in a single layer on metal sheet pan and roast in oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. In food processor, pulse mushrooms into fine dice.??Gently mix mushrooms with beef and form into four 4-ounce patties. Refrigerate patties for 15 minutes. Heat a cast-iron skillet over high heat and add vegetable oil. Season patties evenly with 2 teaspoons of salt. Add the patties to the skillet. (Note: Patties are delicate, so be careful when laying into pan.) Press patties firmly with spatula and cook for 3 minutes until crisp on one side. Carefully turn patties over and press once with spatula. Cook for 2 minutes. Add a slice of American cheese or sharp Cheddar on top. As the cheese begins to melt, place on top of your favorite toasted bun. Serve with whole-grain mustard and shaved red onion.

3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes
3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes

Mushroom-Vegetable Burger

8 oz. mixed mushrooms, sliced
2 tsp. olive oil
3 tsp. kosher salt, divided
8 oz. cooked barley
3 oz. cooked red lentils
3 oz. roasted beets
1.5 oz. chickpea flour
3 oz. coconut oil, chilled
1 tbsp. vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Toss mushrooms in olive oil and 1 teaspoon salt. Spread mushrooms in a single layer on a metal sheet pan and roast in oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool.?? In a food processor pulse, mushrooms into a fine dice.??Pass cooked barley, cooked red lentils, and roasted beets through grinder attachment of a standing mixer. Gently combine mushrooms with barley, lentils, beets, and chickpea flour. Coarsely grate coconut oil into the mix and gently fold together. Form into six 4-ounce patties. Refrigerate patties for 15 minutes. Heat cast-iron skillet over high heat and add the vegetable oil. Season patties evenly with 2 teaspoons of salt. Add patties to skillet. (Note: Patties are delicate, so be careful when laying into pan. Press the patties firmly with a spatula and cook for 3 minutes until crisp on one side. Carefully turn patties over and press once with a spatula. Cook for 2 minutes. Add slice of American cheese or sharp Cheddar on top. As cheese begins to melt, place on top of your favorite toasted bun.?? Serve with whole-grain mustard and shaved red onion.

3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes
3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes

Asian Lettuce Wraps

8 oz. fresh mushrooms
1 onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp. minced ginger
1/2 lb. lean ground beef
1 tbsp. canola oil
1 packet Mushroom Seasoning Blend
1 red pepper, finely chopped
2 tbsp. hoisin sauce
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
1 head Boston lettuce
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1/4 cup chopped cashews (optional)

Place mushrooms, onion, garlic, and ginger in food processor fitted with metal blade. Pulse until finely chopped. Add the ground beef; pulse until well combined. Heat oil in large, nonstick skillet set over medium-high heat. Add the mushroom mixture and seasoning blend. Cook, stirring often, for 10 minutes until browned. Stir in red pepper, hoisin sauce, soy sauce and vinegar. Simmer for 5 minutes; remove from heat. Serve in Boston lettuce leaves garnished with shredded carrot and chopped cashews.

3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes
3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes

3 Ways to Sneak Mushrooms Into Your Recipes

Recipe, weight loss recipe

from The better Things

Soil and sorrell : the recipe for successful weight loss

Soil and sorrell: the recipe for successful weight loss

A diet based on foraged food recipes can increase weight loss three-fold, found a recent study. Not surprising when the food leaves you hankering after a ploughman’s, says Matthew Norman
 Had there been a restaurant Olympics in 2012 when I first tasted the cuisine of René Redzepi, testers would have been swarming over him with the avid scepticism caused by the Chinese swimmer who shaved such an aeon off her previous personal best that she finished her race 17 seconds before it began.

Soil and sorrell: the recipe for successful weight loss

For anyone whose notion of Scando-cuisine begins and ends with the herring, the emergence of a Danish chef – Redzepi – as the planet’s finest will seem the culinary equivalent of the late King of Tonga whizzing past the sprint lords of Jamaica to take the 100m gold. Now Redzepi’s Michelin two-starred restaurant Noma in Copenhagen, which has topped San Pellegrino’s list of the world’s top 50, has been hailed as the best for health as well as taste.
New research, presented at the European Society of Cardiologists this week, found that a foraged diet based on recipes from the Danish restaurant could not only protect against heart attacks and strokes – but that those following the recipes from chefs at Noma lost three times as much weight as those on a standard diet. Shame I only had the one meal.
“Are you excited?” a front-of-house guide had asked me when I visited Noma’s pop-up restaurant at Claridges two years ago. Excited at finally tasting Redzepi’s work? A tranquilliser dart was required for at least one buttock.
In a ballroom elegantly tarted up for the visit – bookcases featuring the Noma cookbook alongside Great Expectations and the collected works of Barbara Cartland were an engagingly eclectic touch — the initial sense of reverence could not survive the first of eight courses. Noma is a portmanteau, the “no” elided from Nordic, the “ma” shortened from the Danish word for food, which is mad; a cute linguistic coincidence given that this palate-cleansing starter appeared on the menu — which Redzepi holds back until the meal is over to build drama and suspense — was listed plainly as “Ants”.
 “This is hilarious,” guffawed one of us. It’s unprofessional to get the giggles in the presence of a world number one, I know, but what’s a chap to do? This red variety, with the flavour of lemongrass, crawled over cabbage leaves in a kilner jar. Next to it stood a plant pot containing “vegetable, soil and grass”… carrots, radishes and nasturtium flowers rooted in a dark emulsion of herbs, with what looked like weeds for the grass. “Use your hands,” instructed one of the waiters who, along with the chefs, introduced each dish with lengthy spiels, “and eat everything”.
The fruits of foraging that Redzepi has made so voguish certainly lends theatricality. Yet the charm of putting the ant into an Ant ’n’ Dec Bush Tucker Trial can stretch a very long way, and it was a relief that the next course was a tediously conventional crushed raspberry, in a teacup garnished with hibiscus flower, served with scones and a handsome pot in which caviar was smeared over crème fraîche. “Nice,” one of us said, “and an improvement on the weeds.”
 Though accurate, “nice” is not an adjective that naturally goes with a number one ranking — would you call Roger Federer’s forehand “nice”? – and a sense of anticlimax took hold. Every dish was technically immaculate, clever, creative and beautifully presented, but only Redzepi’s ants will linger in the mind.
In his defence, the Norse food god had devised a menu built almost entirely around unfamiliar British ingredients. Next up, though, was a Brittany oyster. Poached in buttermilk for 30 seconds, and served with samphire on a mound of chilled crustacea shells and pebbles, it had a pleasingly meaty texture, but the two ostraconophobes (n: person with a fear of shellfish) in our party were reassured that this was not a delicacy to make you think you’d died and gone to Valhalla.
A tartare of beef, eaten rolled up with the hands, and dipped in a smear of tarragon and a powder of juniper, was excellent, while sourdough bread came with two sensational butters — “virgin”, more like cream, and a fabulous goat’s milk butter.
Slow-roasted celeriac was served with wild sorrel and a delicate black truffle sauce, and while we all loved it, it was at this stage that one of us started fantasising about the perfect ham ploughman’s. Food of this kind, however gorgeous and artful, does tend to have that effect.
The impressively un-self-important Redzepi popped over to carve his Romney Marsh neck of lamb, slow roasted in “piso” (a witty reinvention of miso, made from fermented yellow peas), which looked sweet resting on its bed of hay, and tasted far sweeter. “I really enjoyed that,” said one of us, before walnut ice cream with frozen berries and a powder of frozen cream, “but I expected some fish,” (he was right; the menu was unbalanced), “and I wouldn’t come back in a million years.”
Undoubtedly this is a chef of rare talent and inventiveness. No doubt he’s wonderful, wonderful in Copenhagen. But Redzepi struck me as less the Federer of the pots and pans than the Caroline Wozniacki, the Danish compatriot whose stint as women’s tennis number one despite not having won a major title, some feel, devalued the rankings.

Soil and sorrell : the recipe for successful weight loss

Recipe, Weight Loss, weight loss recipe

from The better Things

Woman Refuses Weight Loss Surgery – Reaches Goal Weight One Step At a Time

Woman Refuses Weight Loss Surgery - Reaches Goal Weight One Step At a Time
 In the fall of 2011, Jen Corn was the heaviest she had ever been.
At 5 feet 6 inches, Corn weighed more than 300 pounds. Her mother and aunt had just offered to pay for her to have weight-loss surgery. But Corn knew the price tag was hefty: around $15,000.
“I told them no,” said Corn, then 39, recalling the exact moment. “I felt like I was not worth that.”
Her mom, Jean Corn, said the two older women knew something had to be done since diabetes runs in the family.
“We were just desperate,” Jean Corn said. “We (also) knew her heart wasn’t going to be able to carry this weight forever.”
Corn’s rejection of the offer devastated her family. But Corn had made up her mind to take matters into her own hands to lose the weight.
“If I was going to do this, I (was) going to do it the right way. I (was) going to do it the healthy way, and I (was) not going to rely on somebody else,” she said.
In denial
Corn’s weight problem had begun in high school in Woodstock, Georgia. She played sports, which helped her feel like she hid some of the weight, but she said she ate everything in sight.
“There were a lot of self-esteem issues growing up, which of course only added fuel to the fire to make it worse,” she said.
She wouldn’t address her weight with anybody. She got into fights with her mom about it; at one point, she told her mom never to mention it again. She avoided shopping, scales and mirrors.
“As long as I didn’t see it, it wasn’t true,” she said.
In 2011, she realized she couldn’t walk from her front door to her mailbox, a distance of 30 feet.
“I’d get to the mailbox sounding like I smoked 12 packs a day,” she said, recalling how she complained about pain in her knees, back and feet. “It was ridiculous.”
She thought about joining Weight Watchers again.
In 2008, Corn had tried the program, an attempt that lasted six months. She had also failed at other diets — Nutrisystem, the South Beach Diet and Sugar Busters among them.
But this time, her resolve to get healthy was strong.
‘A snowball effect’
Corn joined Weight Watchers shortly after the talk with her mom and aunt. This time around, her mind-set was different. She had made a commitment to herself to go to the meetings, pay attention and adhere to the plan. She had heard the plan would work if she followed it precisely.
Shortly after joining the program, Corn saw something at the doctor’s office that would end up changing her life.
She went to see the doctor about her foot hurting. A note written on her chart classified her as morbidly obese. Corn was not even sure what the term meant.
“He told me it was because I was heavy and offered me tips on what to do for my foot but not about how to lose weight,” she said.
Corn persevered. She attended her weekly Saturday morning meetings without the dread she had in her 2008 attempt. Instead of focusing on her goal of losing 150 pounds, the Bradenton, Florida, resident attempted to achieve smaller goals like 5, 10 and 25 pounds.
The first six months of her weight-loss journey, Corn focused strictly on her diet. After she had lost about 40 pounds, she started walking the neighborhood in addition to using her treadmill at home.
“It was kind of like a snowball effect,” she said. “I was losing more weight, which caused me to exercise more.”

Corn also slowly overhauled her diet.

“Before I knew it, I was not eating as much food as I used to,” she said. “It was a slow process, so my body had time to adjust to less food.”
Her daily diet before had been filled with fast food, fried chicken and little vegetables. Now it’s all about high-protein and high-fiber foods, salads and healthy snacks.

And, of course, lots of water throughout the day.

“I do allow myself a piece of chocolate here and there, some ice cream here and there, as long as I pre-arrange for it in my mind,” she said. “I would feel deprived if I couldn’t have those, and then that’s usually when I go completely off the rails.”

One step at a time

Corn hit her goal weight of 163 pounds in March. Now, almost three years after the start of her journey, Corn weighs 161 pounds. She struggles every day, keeping healthy snacks around her at all times.
She blogged about her weight-loss journey, which she refers to as her “road trip.”
“To me, it’s not about being skinny, it’s about being healthy,” she said.

Corn has a message for others facing their own weight problems.

“First, you don’t have to have a movie-star budget to do this,” she said. “It won’t be easy, but it’s your life you’re dealing with, and there’s nothing more precious on this earth than your own life.”
An avid power walker, Corn walks five miles a day. Her goal is to walk a half-marathon in Sarasota, Florida, in March.
Her self-confidence has also increased as a result of the “new” her.
“I’m still kind of shy, but I’m not afraid to walk up to somebody and talk to them, as opposed to standing back and waiting for them to come talk to me,” she said.

And her mother couldn’t be prouder.

“This was a person (who), if I would have paid her $1,000 to step on a treadmill, she wouldn’t have done it,” Jean Corn said. “This is a person (who) doesn’t have a personal trainer, (who) doesn’t have a chef, (who) doesn’t have makeup artists. She is living proof that there is no gimmick, no magic pill; it’s absolutely take one step at a time.”

Woman Refuses Weight Loss Surgery – Reaches Goal Weight One Step At a Time

Weight Loss

from The better Things

Rosie O’Donnell Talks 50-Pound Weight Loss

   Not all weight loss stories are 100 percent positive. Rosie O’Donnell, who is back hosting The View after her exit in 2007, shed 50 pounds after suffering a heart attack in 2012, and has struggled to adjust to her new body.
“The fact that I look so different has been difficult and unexpected,” she told ABC News on the set of The View. “Everyone assumes that obese people would just be jumping for joy that they were healthier and thinner and able to fit into store-bought sizes, we don’t have to go to the plus store. But it’s also filled with a lot of emotional turbulence you wouldn’t expect.” See Rosie’s before and after weight loss pic.
Fortunately, this “turbulence” hasn’t hurt her marriage to second wife Michelle Rounds.
“I have a group that I go to, where women talk about how they feel,” she continued. “A lot of marriages break up once one person gets healthy. Luckily, my wife is very healthy, [has] always been healthy, loves me and encourages me to be healthy.”
In fact, losing weight and taking care of herself was one of her wife’s requirements for marriage.
“When we decided to get married, she said, ‘But I want 40 more years and I don’t want you to die on me, so you need to do something for your health,'” O’Donnell, 52, noted.
Though it’s been a complicated process, O’Donnell is happy to be back hosting The View and feeling better than ever.
“I feel good. I wouldn’t have said yes to coming back if I didn’t,” she added. “The concept of being able to do this show in a way that celebrates and elevates women is hard for me to resist.”

Rosie O'Donnell Talks 50-Pound Weight Loss

Rosie O’Donnell Talks 50-Pound Weight Loss

Weight Loss

from The better Things

Citing Security Threat, Obama Expands U.S. Role Fighting Ebola

  President Barack Obama on Tuesday called West Africa’s deadly Ebola outbreak a looming threat to global security and announced a major expansion of the U.S. role in trying to halt its spread, including deployment of 3,000 troops to the region.
“The reality is that this epidemic is going to get worse before it gets better,” Obama said at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Atlanta headquarters.
“But right now, the world still has an opportunity to save countless lives. Right now, the world has the responsibility to act, to step up and to do more. The United States of America intends to do more,” Obama added.
The U.S. plan, a dramatic expansion of Washington’s initial response last week, won praise from the U.N. World Health Organization, aid workers and officials in West Africa. But health experts said it was still not enough to contain the epidemic, which is quickly growing and has caused local healthcare systems to buckle under the strain of fighting it.
U.S. officials said the focus of the military deployment would be Liberia, a nation founded by freed American slaves that is the hardest hit of the countries affected by the crisis.
Obama’s plan calls for sending 3,000 troops, including engineers and medical personnel; establishing a regional command and control center in Liberia’s capital, Monrovia; building 17 treatment centers with 100 beds each; training thousands of healthcare workers – up to 500 per week for six months or longer; and establishing a military control center for coordinating the relief effort.

“We have to act fast. We can’t dawdle on this one,” Obama said

The White House said the troops will not be responsible for direct patient care. Obama also said the “chances of an Ebola outbreak here in the United States are extremely low.”
The worst Ebola outbreak since the disease was identified in 1976 has already killed nearly 2,500 people and is threatening to spread elsewhere in Africa.


Obama said that if the outbreak is not stopped now, hundreds of thousands of people may become infected, “with profound political and economic and security implications for all of us.”
“This is an epidemic that is not just a threat to regional security. It’s a potential threat to global security, if these countries break down, if their economies break down, if people panic. That has profound effects on all of us, even if we are not directly contracting the disease,” Obama added.
The WHO praised the U.S. plan for providing support to the United Nations and other international partners to help authorities in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal contain the outbreak.
“This massive ramp-up of support from the United States is precisely the kind of transformational change we need to get a grip on the outbreak and begin to turn it around,” Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO’s director-general, said in a statement.
Earlier, a senior WHO official said the Ebola outbreak requires a much faster response to limit its spread to tens of thousands of cases.
“We don’t know where the numbers are going on this,” WHO Assistant Director-General Bruce Aylward told a news conference in Geneva, calling the crisis “unparalleled in modern times.”
Obama’s announcement marks his second within a week of a new mission for the U.S. military, following last week’s speech outlining a broad escalation of the campaign against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria.


Liberians hailed the word that U.S. troops were coming, recalling a military operation in 2003 that helped stabilize the country during a civil war.
“This is welcome news. This is what we expected from the U.S. a long time ago,” Anthony Mulbah, a student at the University of Monrovia, said in the dilapidated oceanfront capital. “The U.S. remains a strong partner to Liberia.”
In Liberia, a shortage of space in clinics for isolating victims means patients are being turned away, then infecting others.
The initial U.S. response last week had focused on providing funding and supplies, drawing criticism from aid workers for not deploying manpower as in other disasters like earthquakes.
Ebola spreads rapidly, causes fever and uncontrolled bleeding. The latest outbreak has killed more than half its victims. Its impact has been greatest in Liberia and neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone.
The virus has so far killed 2,461 people, half of the 4,985 people infected, and the death toll has doubled in the past month, WHO’s Aylward said.
The outbreak was first confirmed in the remote forests of southeastern Guinea in March, then spread across Sierra Leone and Liberia. A handful of Ebola deaths have been recorded in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.
The disease has crippled weak health systems, infecting hundreds of local staff in a region chronically short of doctors. The WHO has said that 500 to 600 more foreign experts and at least 10,000 more local health workers are needed.
“It is not enough to provide protective clothing when you don’t have the people who will wear them,” Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama said during a visit to Sierra Leone.
The U.S. deployment revives memories of Liberia’s war years, when Monrovians piled bodies of the dead at the U.S. embassy to persuade Washington to send troops. In 2003, a U.S. mission helped African forces stabilize Liberia after 14 years of war, in which some 250,000 people are thought to have died.
Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who wrote to Obama last week to plead for direct U.S. intervention, was due to address her country on Wednesday.
The U.S. intervention comes as the pace of cash and emergency supplies dispatched to the region accelerates.
Washington has sent about 100 health officials and committed some $175 million in aid so far. Other nations, including Cuba, China, France and Britain; have pledged medical workers, health centers and other forms of support.
Critics, including regional leaders, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Peter Piot, one of the scientists who discovered Ebola in 1976; have said international efforts have so far fallen woefully short.
“It is now up to other governments to equally scale up their support in Sierra Leone and Guinea,” Piot, now director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, told Reuters.
Many neighboring African countries have closed their borders and canceled flights to affected countries, making the humanitarian response more difficult.
A draft U.N. Security Council resolution on Ebola, obtained by Reuters, calls on U.N. member states, particularly in the region, to lift general travel and border restrictions.” The resolution could win approval later this week.
In a speech to the United Nations, the president of medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), which has some 2,000 staff members fighting the disease in the region, said other countries need to follow the U.S. lead.

Citing Security Threat, Obama Expands U.S. Role Fighting Ebola

Citing Security Threat, Obama Expands U.S. Role Fighting Ebola

Healthy, ebola

from The better Things