Category Archives: baby weight

Baby weight percentile -Step by step

baby weight percentile

Parents often wonder if the weight of your baby is great for your age. Some babies seem low, but are within the normal range , while there are some baby weight that look great and healthy , but are actually overweight and not in the normal range. So how does a parent know if the child’s weight is in the acceptable level or not ? Therefore, in this article, parents will learn the importance of understanding how percentiles of baby weight and what things they can do to ensure the optimal health of your baby weight are ?

The curve of weight for babies is used as a reference to determine whether your child belongs to the normal range or not . The weight is measured regularly whenever the parents go to the doctor or pediatrician for a monthly check. With baby weight calculator , parents can determine the percentage of growth of their children , compared to national averages. Percentile calculator baby weight is based on the growth curve of global health organizations .

For example , if your baby have a 50% percentile of baby weight , which means that 50 % of babies of similar sex and age of your baby, living in a more favorable environment for growth. This allows you to know the percentage increase your child’s weight compared to national averages.

A baby weight percentile calculator is easy. Parents have to provide information on the date of birth, sex and weight of your child your baby in kilograms. It is important to note that when it comes to these data are0.3 girls kg lighter than boys, while boys are also 0.3 kg heavier than girls. In addition, it is necessary to mention sex in the calculation of percentile weight because children are heavier than girls.
 You must also include the date of birth, because there are also variations in the partition ideal weight especially in the first two months of the baby weight  .
 For children 50 to 60 months , the difference between the scores of ideal weight can be about 0.4 kg to 0.5 kg .
In addition, knowing this information will enable parents to know if your baby is healthy for weight gain model.
 Parents have an idea of ​​whether your baby’s growth is stable or radically changing every month.
 If you think that there are radical changes in the weight of the baby weight, it is best to consult your pediatrician immediately , so that appropriate medical care is provided

baby weight percentile

Baby weight percentile -Step by step

baby weight, Weight, baby weight percentile

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