Category Archives: Obesity

Obesity research takes high-tech twist at Florida school

   Freshmen at Florida’s Lakewood highschool lined up against gold and black gymnasium mats on Fri to possess their height and weight measured, AN assessment to launch a unique study on fighting adolescent avoirdupois with stylish new technology.
Researchers attached with Johns Hopkins medication, whose network includes a Florida children’s hospital close to the college, decide to use results of the screening to pick out regarding fifty overweight students and track their activity levels victimisation the Fitbit, a connected wristband.
Wearable technology, expected to require off next year once Apple opposition introduces its health-oriented Apple Watch, has shown mixed promise in analysis. however medical literature has very little to mention regarding the effectiveness in adolescents, whose avoirdupois rates have quadrupled within the last thirty years, with nearly one in 5 currently being rotund, according the U.S. Centers for sickness management and interference.
“It’s cool. you’ll be able to wear it and it measures your activity,” said Dr. Raquel Hernandez, lead man of science ANd an prof of paediatrics at John Hopkins graduate school, World Health Organization works in any respect Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.
“It can also facilitate the coed apprehend what they extremely do,” she accessorial.

   Students can synch their wristbands to MyFitnessPal, AN app which will conjointly track their daily diet. Researchers ar victimisation Fitbit pursuit to look at sleep patterns likewise.
When a youngster’s activity level drops, researchers will send a telephone text or Twitter message, with period recommendations on a healthy excursion or snack.
Funded by a $100,000 grant from the philanthropic arm of underwriter Florida Blue, the school-based program eliminates the requirement to speak teenagers into trekking to the doctor’s workplace.
“We ar returning right to wherever they’re,” same program organiser Janelle Garcia, a health professional World Health Organization hopes to expand across the nation if self-made. “The goal is to check the feasibleness.”
The focus isn’t on weight loss, however teaching healthy habits at a vital age. rotund adolescents ar rather more possible to become rotund adults, and run the health risks of developing polygenic disease, cardiovascular disease and disorder.
Students can meet with nutrition counselors and fitness consultants doubly per week, likewise as attend outside sessions with a man of science targeted on behavioural modification.
Such substance is vital, same Corby Martin, AN prof at Pelican State State University’s Pennington medicine research facility. merely sporting a fitness wristband does not guarantee that adults can shed pounds, analysis has shown.
“The proliferation and convenience of those devices and apps does not essentially mean that it’s getting to miraculously assist you lose weight, increase your activity and be healthier. That takes lots of labor,” same Martin, a spokesperson for the avoirdupois Society, a scientific organization.
Teenagers and their oldsters is also reluctant to speak regarding weight issues, the Florida researchers acknowledge.
“We ar absolutely aware that this could create some families uncomfortable,” same Hernandez, World Health Organization hopes AN related to broad health initiative can destigmatize the subject.
On Fri morning, 14-year-old Sierra Mieczkowski saw very little draw back as she arrived for a height and weight check and slipped off her black sneakers, revealing mismatched socks.
The ninth-grader, World Health Organization doesn’t apprehend whether or not she is going to be chosen for the study, same she tries to eat well and takes frequent walks along with her father.
But with a wearable fitness huntsman, “I may see what quantity i am doing,” she said, adding “and acumen abundant I will improve.”

Obesity research takes high-tech twist at Florida school

Obesity research takes high-tech twist at Florida school

Obesity, Weight Loss

from The better Things