Category Archives: Snake

Snake Eats Crocodile By Swallowing It Whole

Snake Eats Crocodile By Swallowing It Whole

After a long-fought battle in Australia, a python bested a crocodile and swallowed the reptile whole.

Bystanders Marvin Muller and Tiffany Corlis managed to capture photos of the snake eating the crocodile over a span of several hours in Queensland.

The snake reportedly fought the croc for five hours in Lake Moondarra. Winning the fight, the python constricted its prey to death. The estimated 10-foot snake then dragged the 3-foot croc ashore and proceeded to swallow it whole in front of a group of onlookers.

“We saw the snake fighting with the crocodile — it would roll the crocodile around to get a better grip, and coil its body around the crocodile’s legs to hold it tight,” Corlis said, describing the scene to BBC News. “After the crocodile had died, the snake uncoiled itself, came around to the front, and started to eat the crocodile, face-first.”

Snake Eats Crocodile By Swallowing It Whole

Snake Eats Crocodile By Swallowing It Whole


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