Category Archives: techniques

Water Weight Loss – Simple Techniques

water weight loss
Water Weight Loss
Water Weight Loss

Water Treatment
Many infected women frustrated , especially when they start running hard regime depends on the exercise of violence, but they Agflan is very important and is to drink enough water weight lossduring exercise regimen and sport, where the benefits water weight loss the human body to get rid of fat and protects the body against wrinkles , dryness and sitting down ships, because it helps the overall performance of its functions effectively .

And treated headache water , anemia , gout , paralysis, heart palpitations , epilepsy , cough , sore throat , asthma , tuberculosis and related diseases urinary tract and gastritis , dysentery , constipation and diseases of the eye and ear and throat as benefit women in the case of the techniques irregular menstrual cycle.

She said weight loss Dr ” Susan Kleiner ” – Nutritionist United States – the helps get rid of toxins and prevents the formation of kidney stones, and the amount of water weight loss from the body increases the weakness of the brain that has an interest in the protection of tumors such as breast, colon , prostate , kidney Vtnsah liters of drinking water  per day .

weight loss supply

Water Weight Loss

The ideaof techniques is  that drinking water to eat four cups of water weight loss and the capacity of each and 160 ml on an empty stomach and do not eat food, but after five minutes took into account only begins to increase the amount Tdrijian of water weight lossthat experts advise “Japanese Federation disease” do not eat food or drink over the next two hours for each breakfast, lunch and dinner , and dissemination of techniques ” Japan Federation of disease” experience in treatment , has proved a success rate of 100% for the treatment of diseases of the ancient and modern .

The benefits of water as the Arabs, and the table in the cultural heritage they have since the dawn of Islam , said Sheikh mark ” Nasser al – Albani ” – God’s mercy – the benefits of experience water after reading about the brand , “the son of values, ” the experience of this treatment for 40 days , so that the same experience, and confirmed the weight loss has dropped by about 20 pounds or more , as has cured many diseases that were plaguing leave a Sheikh in which he said that the theory of human life in the case of drinking this for 40 days without food .

Medical specialists and drinking large quantities techniques recommended because it helps the body to burn large amounts of fat and by raising the level of metabolism and so was replaced soda with water, it offers a lot calories than the body is essential , and sees doctors to drink this before food for about half an hour to lose the urge to eat , but they warn water consumption in food, because it leads to the opposite effect.

Many people confuse you think that drinking hot water helps to diet and burn fat faster, as specialists that cold water helps to lose weight loss more effectively than hot water because of that the body immediately after receiving liquid or powered adjusts the temperature if the income of cold confirmed immediately increase the temperature increases and the rate of combustion product and allows a greater amount of sweat techniques and then he feels need to drink the amount of this replenish.

According to Dr. ” Alexander Maher ” – Advisory obesity and thinness – we works to reduce hunger as it fills the stomach and intestines , which gives a feeling of satiety, and not drinking sufficient to prevent the deposition of fat in the body , where he worked to transfer the largest possible amount of waste and body fat , especially those known as fat in fat paper causing obesity.


It is advisable to follow the diet cares balance in body fluids , so that the parallels between the amount entering the body of the amount that comes out through sweat, and an estimated 266 grams per day for a person who makes an average effort , taking into account this balance works to accelerate calorie burning and allows the liver to effectively treat unwanted fat.

Depends on a supply of water to a special table , where a person is assessed by drinking water per day , start with 4 cups and even up to 10 cups , then continue to drink the same amount of he throughout the duration of the plan .

We conclude nutritionists are guidelines that must be followed when you start ” water diet ” , namely:
* Drink water at all times and throughout the day , do not take other liquids you drink like tea , coffee or soda account.
– Do not drink half the amount indicated in the day, be compensated in the next few days , because this will make your body is not balanced in the fluid entering and leaving .
– Do not take a low calorie diet or a high calorie intake under the pretext of a large amount in this system , you have to eat in moderation with lots of fruits and vegetables and foods low in calories.
– When you reach the desired weight loss Do not stop taking water .. because the body needs 10 cups a day .. even maintain the weightloss  that has been achieved.

Water Weight Loss

Water Weight Loss – Simple Techniques

Water Weight Loss, techniques, Weight Loss, water

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