Category Archives: Types of Shepherd Dogs

Types of Shepherd Dogs

Types of Shepherd Dogs

American Tundra Shepherd Dog

Types of Shepherd Dogs
American Tundra Shepherd Dog is best for people with experience, because it can be challenging to break. The american tundra shepherd dog are rather surprisingly hypersensitivity and likely compliance training. These creatures are very energetic and even long and demanding trips will not be a difficulty. The dog breed applications running dog.

American White Shepherd Dog

Types of Shepherd Dogs
The American White Shepherd looks almost exactly like a German Shepherd except for the color. It has a stiff, long, or longhaired coat. The longhaired types do not have an undercoat. The color is always white.

Belgian Shepherd Dog
The body of the Belgian Sheepdog is well muscled, with tight skin and a squarely proportioned body.
The overall size of the head should be in proportion with the body. The top of the skull is flattened rather than rounded. The muzzle is moderately pointed with a moderate stop. The lips should be tight. The Shepherd Dog bite should be either even or scissors. The medium sized, almond-shaped eyes are brown. The erect ears are triangle in shape and in proportion to the head. The legs are parallel, straight and strong. The feathered tail is strong at the base with the tailbone reaching the hock. The dewclaws are usually removed.
The feet of Shepherd Dog are cat-like in shape. The weather-resistant coat is moderately long, with a ruff of fur around the neck and extra feathering on the legs, tail and underneath the body. The coat color is black, either solid or with a small amount of white on the chest, chin or toes.

Belgian Malinois Dog

Types of Shepherd Dogs

The Belgian Malinois has a body that is often described as square, as that is the shape it appears to have when the legs and topline are viewed from the side. The chest is deep. The topline is level, sloping slightly at the withers. The overall size of the head is in proportion to the body. The skull is flat with the width and length being of the same distance. The muzzle is somewhat pointed and equal in length to the top of the skull with a moderate stop. The nose is black and so are the tight lips. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. The medium sized, almond-shaped eyes are brown. The erect ears are triangular in shape. The tail is strong at the base with the bone reaching to the hock. The feet are cat-like in shape. Dewclaws may be removed. The weather resistant, double-coat is short and straight.
The coat color comes in rich fawn to red to mahogany to black for Shepherd Dog, with black tips on the hairs. The mask and ears are black. Underneath the body, the tail and back end are a lighter fawn. The hair around the neck looks like a collar, as it is slightly longer.

Belgian Tervuren Dog

Types of Shepherd Dogs

The Belgian Tervuren dog  has a square shaped appearance to its body.
When viewed from the side, the topline of its moderately pointed muzzle is parallel to the topline of its skull. The stop is moderate. The black lips are tight.
The Shepherd Dog are  medium sized, almond-shaped eyes are dark brown.
 The erect ears are triangular in shape with their height equal to their width.
 The chest is deep reaching the elbows. The legs are straight, parallel and vertical to the ground.
The topline is level, sloping slightly at the withers. Dewclaws are usually removed.
The feet are cat-like in shape. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite.
The tail is strong at the base with the bone reaching to the hock. The double coat is weather resistant with long, abundant, close-fitting guard hairs. The overall length of the harsh coat is medium to long with the hair on the head for Shepherd Dog, legs and outer surface of the ears being shorter.
 The undercoat is dense and the outer coat is straight with black tips. Males have a mane of hair around the neck that is not as prominent in females.
There is longer hair fringing down the back and front legs with abundant hair on the tail.
 Coat colors include rich fawn to russet mahogany, or shades of gray with black tips. The chest, toes and chin may have some white. The coat usually darkens as the dog gets older

Belgian Laekenois Dog

Types of Shepherd Dogs

The body is sturdy and well proportioned, with a squarely shaped appearance when viewed from the side. The erect ears are triangular in shape, with the height equal to the width, and set high on the dog  head. The moderately pointed muzzle is parallel to the topline of the skull and tapers, but is not excessively pointy.
The muzzle and head are fringed, giving the dog a shaggy, woolly look. The medium sized, almond-shaped eyes are dark with rims that contrast with lighter colored hair.
The hindquarters are muscular without looking heavy. Dense hair is bushy on the tail, but there is no distinct feathering.
The chest is deep, reaching to the elbow. The front legs are very straight Shepherd Dog , parallel and vertical to the ground.
The round feet are cat-like in appearance. Dewclaws are usually removed. The long tail is thick at the base and reaches at least to the hock.
The nose is black and the lips should be tight. The teeth dog should meet in a scissors or level bite.
The Laekenois’s medium length rough, wire coat covers the body in hair that can reach over two inches. Colors include a range from fawn to mahogany with a black overlay.

Bohemian Shepherd

Types of Shepherd Dogs
The Bohemian Shepherd is a medium-sized shepherd, with a length marginally exceeding its height. The Shepherd Dog has long, thick fur and a rich undercoat, allowing him to withstand harsh weather. He has an exceptionally harmonious build. Body is compact and well-proportioned. Typical characteristics for the breed include erect ears, small, pointed and high set. An elegant, long neckline, also marked by long, rich fur. The gait is fluid, light and unhurried.
 All Bohemian Shepherd puppies look almost identical and don’t really start to show their adult coloring until they are about 6 or 7 months. Some have medium length coats dog, but most of them have very furry and fluffy coats Shepherd Dog. It is a medium sized dog—maximum 25 kg in the breeding standard, minimum 16 kg. The only allowed coloring of its long coat is black and tan.

Dutch Shepherd Dog

Types of Shepherd Dogs

The Dutch Shepherd Dog comes in three varieties: longhaired (long, straight, flat and harsh), shorthaired (quite hard, not too short) and wire-haired (medium length—dense harsh and tousled—more curly-coated than wire-coated).
 Heavy white markings on chest and feet are not desirable in the show ring. Although the coat types vary, the color possibilities remain the same for Shepherd Dog: various brindles in all shades of gold and silver and brindle with dark dog stripes. Blue brindle is also listed under the rough coated variety. The short hair is most common in Holland, while the long hair is less common and the wire haired variety currently has a dangerously low population.
The body is firm, without being coarse. The muzzle dog  is slightly longer than the flat forehead. The teeth are strong dog and have a scissor bite.Shepherd Dog of eyes are dark, almond shaped and slightly slanting and the medium-sized ears are carried high and erect. The tail is slightly curved. The chest is deep and the belly Shepherd Dog slightly tucked up. The feet are oval with well-knit arched toes, black nails and dark pads.

There is some confusion as to whether or not the Dutch Shepherd has dewclaws. A lot of sources say it does not, but they do indeed have dewclaws in the front. They do not have dewclaws on their hindquarters, however.
 When discussing the hind legs, The Dutch breed dog standard says “Hubertusklauwen: niet aanwezig” which translates to: “Dewclaws: none present.” That same word “hubertusklauw” does not, however refer to the front dewclaws.
The most common notation for that would be “duim” or possibly “bijklauw.” There is no separate word for the front dewclaws in the English language, and that is what can lead to the confusion, but the breed does sport dewclaws in the front.

Types of Shepherd Dogs

Shepherd Dogs, Dog, Types of Shepherd Dogs

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